Peter Drucker, the famous management guru, once declared that business must ‘’innovate or die”.
But what is innovation in today’s world? What are the skills required to be innovative? How do you become an innovative doer and thinker?
Join our esteemed panel to find out about the latest trends in innovation both in business and society and the role you play in the innovation process.
📌 Panel Details:
Date & Time: Monday 6 March 1:00pm SG/12 noon JKT BKK/4pm AEDT for one hour
Cost: Complimentary
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81542487070?pwd=VVNPQys5UUpCb0Q3T3h1QXdHVUl2Zz09
Contact: info@austchamasean.com